Free Video Series Reveals:
The Ultimate Tips To
Master Your Doubles Tactics
In This Free Video Series, You're Going To Learn:
  • The little known down under "DOUBLE POACH" DOMINATION TACTIC from world doubles expert, Emma Doyle. 
  • Learn the "FAKE, 50% OR 100%" doubles strategy as the returner's partner which will help you to be PROACTIVE at the net. 
  • How to use the "WAKE UP THE BRAIN" practice drill to get yourself and your partner prepared to compete.
  • The secret to how Australian tennis players play EFFECTIVE, SMART WINNING DOUBLES at all levels of the game.
Trusted by thousands of tennis players
Your Friends Tennis Coaches,
Emma Doyle And Jeff Salzenstein  
Your High Performance Doubles Coaches  

"I achieved a career high world ranking of #69 in the world, and think I know a lot about winning doubles, but Emma blew me away with her knowledge and coaching ability. I loved learning from her.  

Watch these lessons..they will work for you.
- Jeff Salzenstein, Founder, Tennis Evolution
Check out how you can finally play winning doubles by 
learning powerful tactics you can use with all your partners.
Doug Bloomquist - San Jose,  California
"Emma Doyle is a great doubles coach. My partner and I now make sure we communicate between every point. We notice what is working against our opponents and what is not and change up what we are doing accordingly. We now change up our formations frequently which really throws our opponents off (especially when we take away the crosscourt return with the “Aussie” formation). Based in large part on what Emma taught us, we are now playing MUCH smarter doubles and winning more matches."
Lyn Case,  San Jose, California
"While I had heard of the Aussie tactic prior to meeting Emma Doyle, it was through her positive encouragement and specific teaching methods that my doubles partner and I absolutely love playing the Aussie tactic in our club doubles.   
Emma is a total inspiration. Not only did she have us connecting more between each and every point, she showed us the value of switching it up with the Aussie method. We now use it to put our opponents off of their game by taking away their favorite return, or by closing out a game when we are ahead. " 
Michelle Brycki, Sydney, Australia
"I learned about the joys of confusing your opponents and playing one step ahead of them by playing tandem doubles as a youngster, traveling and being coached by Emma while representing Australia as a 12, 14 and 16-year old. She inspired my love and enjoyment of the art of doubles which then served me incredibly well during my college tennis career in the USA. Playing tandem (Aussie pattern) or eye formation (or even starting on the same side and moving) is the best if you're looking to create trouble for your opponents and put them on the back foot from the get go!"
Tyra Calderwood
"Emma's coaching helped me a lot, she is a super positive coach and encouraged me to always try new things with my doubles play. Emma was my coach on many tours overseas, where I competed in junior teams events. Emma taught me a lot about using different shots, especially the slice and how I could use it as an aggressive shot. As a team we learned different plays, tandem or also known as Aussie formation was one of my favourites. This play allowed me to learn about space on the court and also provide a different visual for the returning team. I found learning this play early in my career helped me be comfortable moving forward and being up at the net and definitely helped me later in my career become a serve volleyer."
Mikki McShane - Melbourne, Australia
"Emma’s coaching was instrumental as for coach for over 10 years, especially in my ability to be a confident doubles player. Emma improved and refined my volleying technique, court awareness, movement patterns, different doubles tactics and shot selection. I also learnt the importance of closing the net after each stroke which allowed me to take my game to the next level by playing college tennis for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock." 
Rob Crosara - Melbourne, Australia
"Its been well over 13 years since my first coaching season with the very astute Emma Doyle. Her teaching skills are spot on! Emma very quickly made an assessment of what changes were needed and how to make the greatest improvements to my game. She instilled in me positive thoughts & behavior which added strengths to my doubles game. Can't wait till Emma is back down under so that we can continue working together."
About Jeff Salzenstein and Emma Doyle
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